Wallace County Land

1149.66 Acres Wallace County

11 North Hwy 40,  6 Miles West of Hwy 27 on Zig Zag Road between Roads 11 and 8

E 1/2 26-11-41

323.21 Acres Crop land

Wheat Base: 159.7
Grain Sorghum Base: 8.5
Taxes:  2023  $

Price:  808,025  ($2500/AC)


508.47 Acres Crop land

Wheat Base: 257.3
Grain Sorghum Base:  13.50
Taxes:  2023  $

Price: $1,118,634    ($2200./AC)

E 1/2 30-11-41

312.88 Acres Crop land

        215.42 Acres DCP Cropland
          97.46 Acres CRP Through 2031
            5.1 Acres Grass

Wheat Base: 154.0
Grain Sorghum Base: 8.2
Taxes:  2023  $

Price:  456,174  ($1471./AC)